Southern Guild announces Conrad Hicks’s latest solo show, ‘Cu’

Cu is the latest solo presentation by artist blacksmith Conrad Hicks, which contemplates the beauty found in his chosen medium: copper. For Hicks, “beauty” is the instinctive response to material: an evolutionary guide or rationale for all decision-making. Through a process of “intuitive forging”, he creates forms in metal whose primary function is to express the subconscious.

Comprising a series of curvilinear sculptures mounted to the wall and standing on plinths, all made entirely of copper (whose chemical symbol gives the exhibition its name), this body of work sees Hicks push the expressive potential of the metal to its fullest.

Kindly click on the following  link for the full press pack, in which you will find the press release as well as some initial images (more product images to come). You can also find the artist’s bio here:  ConradHicks_ArtistBio_2021.docx
