“Wish upon a star: National make a wish day delights”

Ah, National Make a Wish Day, the one day a year where we collectively pretend that shooting for the
stars is a perfectly reasonable life strategy. Because why aim for achievable goals when you can
summon the universe to grant your wildest fantasies? As April 29th rolls around, let’s take a sarcastic
journey through this whimsical holiday, where reality takes a backseat and wishful thinking steers the

Firstly, let’s address the irony of a day dedicated to making wishes. Because clearly, all our societal
problems can be solved by closing our eyes, crossing our fingers, and blowing out some candles. Who
needs practical solutions when you can just throw a coin into a fountain and hope for the best? It’s the
epitome of human laziness packaged as a celebration.

Now, onto the subject of wish-making itself. Sure, let’s encourage people to dream big and all that
jazz. But let’s also acknowledge the sheer absurdity of some wishes. I mean, who honestly believes
that a fairy godmother is going to swoop in and grant them three wishes? Spoiler alert: Your fairy
godmother is probably stuck in traffic, and even if she did show up, she’d likely be more interested in
your Netflix password than your wishes.

Let’s not forget the commercialization of National Make a Wish Day. Because nothing says “authentic
wish fulfillment” like a corporation hijacking a heartfelt sentiment to sell more products. From wish-
themed merchandise to sponsored wish-granting events, capitalism has found yet another way to
monetize our desires. Because why just make a wish when you can buy it off a shelf?

And what about the inevitable disappointment that comes with unfulfilled wishes? National Make a
Wish Day should come with a disclaimer: “Results not guaranteed.” Because let’s face it, life isn’t a
Disney movie, and sometimes our wishes crash and burn harder than a failed magic trick. So, by all
means, make your wishes, but maybe also have a backup plan just in case the universe decides to take
a coffee break.

In conclusion, National Make a Wish Day is a delightful blend of whimsy and delusion, where reality
takes a vacation and wishful thinking reigns supreme. So, go ahead, indulge in some fanciful
daydreaming, but don’t forget to come back down to earth eventually. After all, there’s nothing wrong
with dreaming big—as long as you’re prepared to roll with the punches when reality inevitably
crashes the party.
