UWC Welcomes Investigation as Classes for 2023 Commence

Today marks the start of the 2023 academic year at the University of the Western Cape (UWC). This is the first time since lockdown that the campus is overflowing with activity and excitement. The UWC campus is indeed a wonderful, engaging space. To all incoming and returning students, I wish you the best of luck as you embark on your new academic paths. To the University academic and support staff: thank you for your hard work, and I know you will do everything in your power to make this a successful year.

The University has zero tolerance for fraud and corruption and constantly reminds all its stakeholders of this fact and of its independent fraud hotline. Recent allegations of bribery for admissions have come to our attention and these allegations have been escalated to our internal auditors for investigation. The University takes allegations of this nature very seriously and any staff member or student found guilty of such offences will be disciplined.

I urge anyone with evidence about these allegations or similar acts of fraud or corruption to submit the information to our anonymous fraud hotline – hotline@kpmg.co.za

Furthermore, I want to bring to the attention of all applicants, parents, and guardians that our enrollment target of 4 600 for first-year students has been met. This target was set in consultation with the Department of Higher Education and Training, and we cannot accept more students.

As a University, we have faced many seemingly insurmountable challenges, and we will overcome any others as we have in the past. I encourage you to work hard, pursue new friendships, grab all the opportunities that may come your way and enjoy your time at UWC – an institution grounded in academic excellence and the scholarship of engagement for societal impact.
